Kalau tak salah aku, KD Pari telah berusia lebih kurang 34 tahun (23 March 1977) berada didalam perkhidmatan TLDM. Banyak jugak sejarah KD Pari ni, antaranya yang aku jumpa ialah kisah derang merempit dengan KRI Rencong (TNI-AL 622), KRI Singa (TNI-AL 679) dan korvet KRI Wiratno(TNI-AL 879) yang bersempadan dengan Indonesia (Krisis Ambalat). Respek jugak aku, sebab walaupun dah berusia, masih lagi berupaya menunjukkan taringnya kepada kapal2 Indonesia tu. Apepun, berperang bukanlah jalan terbaik...masih banyak ruang untuk membicarakan soal ini.
Pada aku laa...patutnya kerajaan dah boleh pertimbangkan untuk pembelian baru .Namun satu Malaysia tahu masaalah bajet seringkali mengekang TLDM dalam perolehan kapal2 baru. Itu belum masuk dengan tentangan dari pembangkang dan juga kisah2 Jerung Perkasa. (Wallahualam)
Berikut dibawah adalah gambar2 KD Pari dan juga petikan berita mengenainya, dan juga mengenai kapal2 TLDM yang lain. Aku sangat berharap kerajaan menggantikan dengan segera kapal2 TLDM yang dah usang. Bukan setakat kapal yang berharga berjuta-juta ringgit je yang kita nak jaga...keselamatan petugas2 juga perlu diambil kira. Jangan sampai anak muda tak nak masuk TLDM atau mana2 cabang disebabkan peralatan yang agak berkarat udah lerr..
Tapi aku tau...ramai anak2 muda di Malaysia yang sedia bertugas dan berkorban jiwa dan raga demi negara yang tercinta ini. Sememangnya perkara ini sudah terbukti...
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Gambar KD Pari di jeti Pulau layang2.. |
KUALA LUMPUR – Sebuah kapal peronda Tentera Laut Diraja Malaysia (TLDM), KD Pari separa tenggelam apabila bilik jentera utamanya bocor dinaiki air setelah salah satu daripada shaft kapal tersebut tertanggal.
Kejadian itu berlaku pada pukul 2.53 petang Khamis lalu semasa kapal itu baru sahaja keluar dari Pulau Layang-Layang untuk melakukan rondaan di perairan Gugusan Semarang Peninjau di perairan Sabah.
Bagaimanapun, kesemua 9 pegawai dan 27 anak kapal jenis Fast Attack Craft-Gun itu terselamat.
Pegawai Perhubungan Awam Markas TLDM, Leftenan Komander Masliza Maaris dalam kenyataan di sini semalam berkata, tindakan pantas serta kecekapan Pegawai Memerintah dan anak-anak kapal itu berjaya merapatkan kapal itu di Jeti Pulau Layang-layang.
“Setelah merapat, kapal itu berada dalam keadaan separa tenggelam akibat daripada kadar kemasukan air yang lebih deras berbanding dengan keupayaan mengeluarkan air dari kapal, walaupun dengan menggunakan beberapa buah pam mudah alih,” katanya.
Berita dari NST.com;
KUALA LUMPUR: A Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) vessel, in pursuit of a foreign ship encroaching on waters off Pulau Layang Layang on Thursday, was forced to abandon its operation after its engine room was flooded.
RMN chief Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar said the crew of the Fast Attack Craft-Gun (FAC-G) vessel KD Pari heard a 'loud bang' soon after it had departed the island westward to pursue a China-flagged vessel, believed to be a frigate, spotted at Gugusan Semarang Peninjau in the South China Sea at 2.53pm.
"Initial investigations revealed that the KD Pari sustained a dislodged shaft, which connects the propeller to the engine, and the vessel turned back to its base.
"The professional action of KD Pari's 36 crew members, under the command of Lt-Cdr Abdul Hadi Abdul Malik, managed to steer the stricken vessel towards Pulau Layang Layang's jetty where it became partially submerged four hours later.
"After attempts by the crew to siphon out the fast in-flowing water with portable pumps failed, divers were called in to first seal the huge hole at the stern tube before using air-fillled 'lifting bags' to float the vessel."
He added a second RMN ship, the new-generation patrol vessel KD Pahang was immediately summoned to pursue the China-flagged ship and managed to "shoo it away" after efforts to communicate with it failed.
"A board of inquiry has been established to investigate the incident and assess the damage to KD Pari."
Damage to KD Pari, which reportedly underwent refurbishment in 2009 to the tune of RM12 million, is believed to be in the tens of millions of ringgit.
The assistance of the Royal Malaysian Air Force was also sought to despatch a CN-235 maritime patrol craft from Kota Kinabalu and a C-130 Hercules from Subang to Pulau Layang Layang to ferry additional technical crew and equipment to salvage KD Pari.
KD Pari, pennant number 3510, was built by Hong Leong-Lurssen at its Butterworth shipyard and commissioned on March 23, 1977.
It weighs 244 tonnes, is 44.9m x 7m x 2.5m, can sail at 32 knots and is manned by 36 crew members
The RMN also confirmed that another FAC-G vessel, KD Serang, sustained a small fire from a short-circuit on Aug 31 while minesweeper KD Todak was 'grounded' after a slight mishap with a floating object two months earlier.
Berita dari NST.com;
KUALA LUMPUR: A Royal Malaysian Navy (RMN) vessel, in pursuit of a foreign ship encroaching on waters off Pulau Layang Layang on Thursday, was forced to abandon its operation after its engine room was flooded.
RMN chief Admiral Tan Sri Abdul Aziz Jaafar said the crew of the Fast Attack Craft-Gun (FAC-G) vessel KD Pari heard a 'loud bang' soon after it had departed the island westward to pursue a China-flagged vessel, believed to be a frigate, spotted at Gugusan Semarang Peninjau in the South China Sea at 2.53pm.
"Initial investigations revealed that the KD Pari sustained a dislodged shaft, which connects the propeller to the engine, and the vessel turned back to its base.
"The professional action of KD Pari's 36 crew members, under the command of Lt-Cdr Abdul Hadi Abdul Malik, managed to steer the stricken vessel towards Pulau Layang Layang's jetty where it became partially submerged four hours later.
"After attempts by the crew to siphon out the fast in-flowing water with portable pumps failed, divers were called in to first seal the huge hole at the stern tube before using air-fillled 'lifting bags' to float the vessel."
He added a second RMN ship, the new-generation patrol vessel KD Pahang was immediately summoned to pursue the China-flagged ship and managed to "shoo it away" after efforts to communicate with it failed.
"A board of inquiry has been established to investigate the incident and assess the damage to KD Pari."
Damage to KD Pari, which reportedly underwent refurbishment in 2009 to the tune of RM12 million, is believed to be in the tens of millions of ringgit.
The assistance of the Royal Malaysian Air Force was also sought to despatch a CN-235 maritime patrol craft from Kota Kinabalu and a C-130 Hercules from Subang to Pulau Layang Layang to ferry additional technical crew and equipment to salvage KD Pari.
KD Pari, pennant number 3510, was built by Hong Leong-Lurssen at its Butterworth shipyard and commissioned on March 23, 1977.
It weighs 244 tonnes, is 44.9m x 7m x 2.5m, can sail at 32 knots and is manned by 36 crew members
The RMN also confirmed that another FAC-G vessel, KD Serang, sustained a small fire from a short-circuit on Aug 31 while minesweeper KD Todak was 'grounded' after a slight mishap with a floating object two months earlier.
baggero · 704 weeks ago
akubiomed · 704 weeks ago
Juan · 704 weeks ago
Yastro 119p · 704 weeks ago
dari segi keselamatan negara pun bahaya jugak....takut terdedah kpd anasir2 luar jee...
# keselamatan negara no 1 pada segala2nya....
nurmisnan · 704 weeks ago
Yastro 119p · 704 weeks ago
azli.afzainizam · 704 weeks ago
buat pembaca blog kami
Jom Terjah entry terbaru ??
kesan embun pagi pada kereta
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Yastro 119p · 704 weeks ago
LiFe KaMi · 704 weeks ago
sekarang ni kapal banyak yang berubah dari segi penggunaan radar dan juga ecdis seperti gps ..
semakin canggih kapal tersebut semakin cekaplah cara kendaliannya..
harap diganti dengan yang lebih baik..
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Yastro 119p · 704 weeks ago
tehr · 704 weeks ago
kalau dah tenggelam macam ni, dah nak jadi besi buruk ni
Yastro 119p · 704 weeks ago
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Yastro 119p · 704 weeks ago
#Brunei ader plkn atau kerahan tenaga cam singapore dak bie?